About Us!
Welcome to Neryco Handmade Store 💝

Hi there!
We are Patricia and Monica, a team of latin women entrepreneurs, dreamers, and traditional craft lovers.
We support small communities of artisans and Indigenous Artisans, we respect, and believe in the fair trade of traditional handicrafts, the efforts of artisans and tradition bearers that keep our cultural heritage alive.
After living several years in the United States, we noticed that over time those things colorful, handcrafted, hand-painted that we have in Latin America markets, fairs, and towns become difficult to find and you dream of seeing them again.
There a dream was born...
Show the world and recognize our crafts as the most beautiful and full of history and culture, as well as joy and modernity.
How much cultural richness can we make known without traveling so far!
Neryco was born in the Flea Markets of Florida as a craft tour full of colors, ancient techniques, materials, shapes, places, and traditions that fill your soul with happiness, pride, sensitivity, and warmth of home.
“ He who believes, creates; He who creates, does it;
He who does it, transforms himself and the society in which he lives… ”.
Mayan proverb
“Neryco is you, it is me, we are all !.”
Let's stay in touch!